Friday, September 9, 2011

Today is a Silent Day

Ask any American where they where when the planes hit the tower, and they'll know. With little or no hesitation, they will know.

I was very young-- I was in 4th grade at a tiny Christian private school in a suburb of the Twin Cities. The teachers were having a devotion/faculty meeting and had no idea until the second plane hit.

When the principal was informed, he walked to my classroom first (as it was closest to his office) and he quietly called my teacher to join him with the other teachers in his office again. We all figured it was just another meeting.

When my teacher returned, she calmly explained the situation to us. A few of us gasped, others simply grew silent. I just stared. I would like to think I understood it fully then, but that's not really likely. Truth be told, I don't really remember.

Now, I'm older and looking back I am gifted with a certain insight. I now am able to grasp the depth of the events, and I am able to look mindfully into the stories and reports.

I've never been particularly patriotic, so I never got swept up in the whole swell of patriotism whenever 9/11 was mentioned. "Those damned Moslems hate our freedom" was something I knew was bullshit even at 4th grade.It was then really distressing for me to witness some of my friends (white and otherwise) speak so many hateful words about people who were different (or not even so much, depending on your perspective) without any knowledge other than the oversimplified stories that we as children had been spoonfed.

A lot of people have exchanged conspiracy theories, saying it was an inside job, saying the Government itself did it. I don't know if I completely buy into it, but I also don't completely buy into the official story. However, none of that matters. It doesn't matter if it was a conspiracy, it doesn't matter if it was exactly as the government said, it doesn't matter. 2,996 people lost their lives. Any loss of life is a tragedy, and when the death toll is this high, it doesn't matter exactly how it happened anymore. Just that it did.

Today is a silent day. It's important to remember what happened on September 11th of 2011, whether you think it was a terrorist act or a conspiracy or an accident or whatever. it doesn't matter-- Too many died for it to matter. I think it is wise to look mindfully into the tragedy and know the suffering of the victims, of the families, of the rescue forces, of the witnesses, of your own experience. The events had a large impact, from worldwide politics to the schoolyard racism.  Today is a silent day.

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Thanks for reading. Stay human, my friends.

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