Thursday, February 24, 2011

This one's kind of all over the place. Sorry.

My friend Ann Renner wrote a poem! Well, actually, she wrote several poems. I liked what I read, so I asked her to let me post one of them!

Puppet Master

Raise one hand, now the other
Left foot, right foot, spin around
Paint on your smile
Dance, dance, for your puppet master
Eat, Sleep, and work when told
Sit, stand, as your strings are pulled
Just keep smiling, don’t ask why
Dance, dance, for your puppet master

When not in use you’re locked away
In darkness you sit
You sit and you wait to
Dance, dance for your puppet master
You never questioned your life
You were scared to ask why
You were to be the perfect little puppet so
Dance, dance, for your puppet master

But the dance wasn’t perfect enough!
You made mistakes
You just couldn’t be perfect but still
Dance, dance, for your puppet master
You didn’t always do what they wanted
You clothes didn’t fit
Your strings were all tangled…still
Dance, dance, for your puppet master

When not in use you’re locked away
In darkness you sit
In darkness you wait to
Dance, dance for your puppet master
You begin to question your life
You begin to ask why
You had to be the perfect little puppet to
Dance, dance, for your puppet master.

You are free at last
You are no longer theirs
Another has taken your spot to
Dance, dance for the puppet master
Raise one hand, now the other
Left foot, right foot, spin around
Stand without strings to hold you back
Dance, dance for your self and no one else

Today was a rough day for me, for many reasons than one. But I'm not going to feel sorry for myself, because only assholes do that. That poem was also one of the darker ones that are up here.

Therefore, I will give you 15 reasons to be happy because assholes don't do that.

1. You should live with regrets, but don't hold each one for too long. Remember, at one point, it was exactly what you wanted.
2. Music. Music is a bridge between Heaven and Earth.

3. "A nerd is only one who isn't afraid to embrace what he or she finds enjoyable."
4. If one of your friends betrays you, that simply means they weren't one of your real friends.
5. Of course you keep fucking up your friend's lives! Why else do you think you're all friends, anyway?
6. If you really, truly want to make it happen, no one will ever completely be out of your life. You may be separated by oceans, nations, states, or the mortal coil, but even if you fall out of touch, sharing parts of your life with someone is written in your history.

7. I guarantee that you know someone who is painfully jealous of you.
8. Nutella.

9. It's never shameful to sing along with your favorite song.
10. You are beautiful, no matter what they say. Words can't-- Okay, okay, I'll stop. But, no, seriously, you are one attractive piece of human.
11. When you speak without inhibitions and without fear, and just let the emotion flow like a river, every syllable becomes like that of poetry.
12. Hey, that's a nice shirt. It looks slick on you.
13. High school sucked for everybody, not just you. You all entered as equals, in the middle you were forced into a hierarchy... But believe it or not, you all exited as equals because guess what? First year of college kicks EVERYONE'S ass.
14. Everyone has problems. It's okay to have problems! It's our problems that make us normal.
15. You have that bit of God in you that is unique to ONLY YOU. Your Divine Spark belongs to you.

I hope at least one of those brightened your day. Or night. Or whenever you happen to read this.


  1. GASP. How did you know this shirt is so attractive on me? You sly sonuvabitch.

  2. thanks David !!! It really makes me laugh and helps me a lot.
