Monday, May 16, 2011

Spread the Word!

Leafing through a few of my old posts, I realized something odd. I didn't have the "Yay, first post!" kind of first post. I jumped right into it, with one of my earliest bits of writing. Odd. Another thing I noticed is that the Ballpoint Blade is coming up on its 2000th page view. It may seem petty, but I'll look for any reason to celebrate. I really appreciate all of my dedicated readers, my followers, and those who read from across the ocean. It means a lot to know that what I lay down on paper and on this site is being read by others.

Therefore, I have a favor to ask of you all.

It helps bloggers a lot to know what kind of people (and how many people) actually regularly read their blogs. As a result, I'd like to see people who read regularly but don't Follow this blog become members (if you don't have a Google account) and just click the tiny little Follow button. Doing this will help me get a greater idea of who's out there!

Another thing that I request is that you take just a few minutes (or even less than that, depending on how fast you talk/text/type/et cetera) and talk to your a friend or two about the site. Most often my mindset about the blog is to use it as a place to store my thoughts, but I'm gonna be honest, it's a good feeling to know other people are reading. So, if it's just a room mate or a friend or a lover or Grandma or anyone, just tell one or two people. That's all I ask.

 Thanks a lot for your support, everyone, and I hope you continue reading The Ballpoint Blade.


  1. You are now the 13,770,540th most popular site on the Series of Tubes.

  2. I think I'm okay with that number, actually. It's a good number. Thanks for reading! You should Follow!

  3. I keep trying. Clicked the damn button a dozen times, it just never goes through.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
